Who We Are

Statement on Diversity and Inclusion

We profess to live a faith that seeks equity for all people regardless of race or sex or nation of origin or economic status or sexual orientation or gender identification…Click HERE for the full statement.

Our Vision

The Presbyterian Church of Lake Travis (PCLT) is called to be a Christian voice for justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in the Lake Travis community.

God’s voice calls us to lift up our voices, both as individual witnesses and as a congregation, to share what God is doing in our world and through us. God calls us to engage our community in ways that specifically share our Christian commitments and values of inclusion, hospitality, welcome, and compassion for the most vulnerable and those whose voices have been long silenced.

As Christians, we are called to stand up for justice and righteousness. We call on all who call themselves Christian to stand with us to support the needs of marginalized communities, to speak out against persons who oppress, endanger, and silence others, to seek to dismantle structures that hurt those vulnerable communities we serve, and to advocate for all those who need our support.

Our Mission

PCLT strives to be a haven to all people who desire to share a hymn, an idea, or a creative vision. With God’s help, we seek to enrich all lives through adherence to God’s word, the teachings of Jesus, and the leading of the Spirit; service to all, including the marginalized in our community; and close fellowship with one another.

Six unique attributes guide our life together and draw us toward the vision of who we are called to become and who we hope to be at our most faithful:

  • Presbyterian in character, Reformed in thought;
  • Reverent in worship, Bold in action;
  • Inclusive in community, Compassionate in service.

What do these attributes say about us as a congregation?

The first two indicate that we align ourselves with a Christian tradition that dates back to the 16th century Protestant Reformation in Europe. We govern our life together as Presbyterians, with elders and a Session, and we lift up hallmarks of Reformed theology – God’s grace poured out on us, freely given, calling us into covenant to be the People of God.

The next two indicate how we engage each other and the world around us. Our worship is reverent, honoring the presence of the Holy as we gather to sing and pray and read scripture and share Communion. Our worship leads us to act for justice and peace, seeking to make our common life more like what God envisions for all of God’s People.

The last two indicate what kind of community we are called to be. We embrace all people, regardless of skin color or national origin or gender or sexual orientation. Inclusiveness is an explicit and stated value. And we serve our neighbors with compassion, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick, welcoming the stranger and the immigrant, caring for those who are alone or vulnerable.

The Origin Story of PCLT

It began in early 2000, with a small group of faithful people committed to participating in God’s mission in the Lakeway/Bee Cave area. This gathering of God’s people met for devotions, faith sharing, education and administrative actions. In the summer of 2001, an organizing pastor was called and on November 4, 2001, the first public worship service of this gathered community was held in Bee Cave Elementary School, barely half a mile from our current location.

Through the generosity and commitment of members, friends, other churches and Mission Presbytery, the Presbyterian Church of Lake Travis joyfully became a chartered church in the Presbyterian Church (USA) on November 4, 2007.

During those first years the church worshiped at many different locations; however, from the beginning its members dreamed of building their own church home from which to share the message of God’s amazing love. Early in 2011, God’s Spirit led the Presbyterian Church of Lake Travis to “step out in faith”. The church bought property and proceeded with building a permanent home. Two years later, on April 21, 2013, the congregation joyfully worshiped in its new home here at 14820 Hamilton Pool Road. The building was dedicated to the service of God in this community on June 2, 2013.

In the past ten years, the congregation has weathered pastoral transitions and a global pandemic. We have fed the hungry and clothed the naked. We have become a More Light church (making a commitment to diversity and inclusion for LGBTQ+ persons) and a Matthew 25 congregation (prioritizing congregational vitality, dismantling systemic racism, and eradicating poverty). In 2019, we called our current pastor. Now we look toward the future that God has in store for us in this community as we seek to lift up our voices to speak Good News.