Apr 29, 2020



It has been seven weeks since we made the decision to shutter operations at the church building. In those seven weeks, much has happened. COVID 19 cases in the United States has topped more than 1 million infections, and this disease has claimed more American lives in three months than were lost during the course of the decade long Vietnam War. We are all tired of staying at home, and nobody knows what the future holds in the search for a vaccine or a treatment for this disease. States and municipalities are beginning to relax restrictions so some people can get back to work, while many rural locations are just beginning to feel the effects of this crisis.


Our Session will meet again this weekend to discuss our on-going response and the ways in which we will move forward into the foreseeable future – the next six-eight weeks. We all miss being able to gather in the sanctuary for worship and the face-to-face interaction of Sunday School, Bible Study, committee meetings, fellowship after worship. But the Session’s primary concern will be to determine when it is SAFE for us to engage in these activities again, taking into account what we are hearing and learning from every source of information.


I suspect we will not be meeting in person for at least another month. So I want to ask you a favor. If you have been participating in our online worship broadcasts over the past seven weeks, watching them through the Zoom link on our website, or watching on our Facebook page, will you send me an email and let me know two things:


  1. What element of these online experiences seems most resonant for you? What do you want to make sure we keep including?
  2. What part of worship do you miss the most? What are you longing to have included in these worship experiences if possible?

Take a moment and send your response to pastor@pclt.faith. This will help me and our Worship team in planning for the weeks ahead.


I miss you all and look forward to the day when we can say to one another, face to face, “Peace be with you!”


Peace be with you,
Pastor Jack