I have been talking a lot lately in my sermons about hospitality, gratitude, and generosity. I believe these values are not only foundational values that Jesus taught and lifted up for his followers, they are also key foundational values on which our congregation stands. This past Sunday, during worship and afterwards, as we celebrated Austin Bradley and his family, you all embodied hospitality, gratitude, and generosity.
I want to say a special “Thank You!” to Terry McKetta for all her work putting together a wonderful luncheon celebration. Along with her work coordinating and herding and thinking of all the details, she offered hospitality and modeled generosity for the rest of us.
Thanks also to all who contributed in some way to the luncheon -either food, or clean-up, or set-up, or decorations, or cards: Leslie Wilkinson, Nancy Kemler, Janet and Dom Cavalucci, Nancy Vanzandt, Brittany Schmutzler, Grace Bradshaw, Helen Foster, Lynn Fisher, Piper Betts-Madison, Faye Smith, and Priscilla Mojica-Rust.
In the coming weeks, the music in worship will be led by our faithful musicians – Helen Foster, Priscilla Mojica-Rust, and Faye Smith. I am grateful for their generosity with their time and talents. The Session will discuss next steps this week and in the weeks to come as we plan for the future of our music ministry in worship.
Pastor Jack