The Pentecost Special Offering is one of four denominational offerings we receive each year (the others are One Great Hour of Sharing at Easter, Peace and Global Witness on World Communion Sunday in October, and the Christmas Joy Offering). The Pentecost Offering is designated to support programs of the PCUSA to benefit children at risk, youth, and young adults.
25% of the Pentecost Offering goes to support PCUSA Young Adult Volunteers serving in communities around the world, growing as leaders through transformative Christian service, often living in an intentional community of other Young Adult Volunteers engaged in a year of service. I started a YAV community at Austin Seminary in 2011, and Piper Betts-Madison was one of the first YAVs to participate at the Austin site.
25% of the Pentecost Offering goes to support ministries with youth including the Presbyterian Youth Triennium, which happens once every three years and gathers together thousands of teens from across the country for a week-long conference.
10% of the Pentecost Offering goes to support children at-risk, supporting programs to improve education and provide safe havens.
40% of the Pentecost Offering stays with our congregation. This year, your Session has agreed to devote our portion of this offering to our Back-to-School backpack/school supplies for our Hudson Bend neighbors and for the at-risk children served by Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services (PCHAS).
Please give generously as you are able. You may use the offering envelopes available on Sunday, or you may give online designating your gift “Pentecost Offering.”
Pastor Jack