Jan 10, 2024


The Star Word that I selected randomly from the basket this past Sunday is “Assurance.” My first thought was of one of my favorite Bible verses, Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” How appropriate, I thought, that my Star Word points me toward my favorite definition of faith. That can easily be my guiding light in the year to come. 

But then I started thinking a bit more about ‘assurance.’ What am I needing assurance about? Our efforts here at PCLT to reach out to more of our neighbors to share our worshipping community with them? Our efforts to provide help to our neighbors in need? Do I need assurance that my health will improve this year? Do I need assurance that our nation won’t collapse into violence fueled by partisan politics and extremist rhetoric? Do I need assurance that climate change won’t result in a summer of unending days of triple digit heat? Perhaps the answer to all of those questions is, “Well, yes! I do need assurance.”

And then I thought, “Perhaps this Star Word is challenging me to be an agent of assurance for others.” If that is true, how can I assure others that what is hoped for is indeed on the way? How can I assure others that what is feared won’t overshadow what is hoped for?

Thank God for God! God assures us that we are God’s Beloved People and God holds the future with intention for Good.

Star light, star bright – lead on!

Pastor Jack

(P.S. If you didn’t receive a Star Word last week, there will be a few available this coming Sunday!)