Dec 7, 2021



This past Sunday, during our called congregational meeting, Steve Gottlieb and Chrystie Thrasher were elected to serve three-year terms as ruling elders on the Session, beginning January, 2022. We appreciate their willingness to serve our congregation in this role. They will be installed during a worship service in January. Thanks to our Elder Nominating Committee – Nancy Woodworth, Donna Beeman, and Janet Cavalucci – for their diligence and discernment in finding persons to serve on Session.


It was a delight having Dr. Hilary Janysek with us this past Sunday morning, playing some amazing Christmas music on her flute, with Austin Bradley accompanying on the piano. This Thursday, December 9, at 6:00 p.m., PCLT will host a recital for Dr. Janysek’s students. If you are a flute enthusiast, you are welcome to attend the recital along with parents and friends of the students.


I want to express a personal word of thanks to those members of the congregation who were able to come out and support the Austin Gay Men’s Chorus by attending our Holiday concert this past weekend. After two years of not being able to perform in person, we weren’t sure if the patrons would return, but all three shows were virtually sold out! So, from me and all those who put so much of themselves into the concert, Thank you!




Pastor Jack