Thank you for your service! As we celebrate Veterans’ Day, we give thanks for all those who have served our country in the armed forces over the years. Serving your country is both a privilege and a responsibility of citizens, and while not all of us can serve in the military, we can all do our part to be of service to others to make our country a better place to live and thrive. Today, I say a special word of thanks to our military veterans.
Service is also a privilege and a responsibility of those who call ourselves Christians. We all have some role to play as we serve the One who calls us to take up the cross and follow him, saving our life by losing it for his sake and for the sake of the gospel. Some serve by teaching Sunday School or leading Bible Study. Some serve by sitting on a committee or on Session. Some serve by praying diligently and fervently. Some serve by running recording equipment or setting up for worship or folding bulletins or reading scripture in worship. Some serve by preparing and delivering food to those who are experiencing food insecurity. Some serve by helping others learn a new language so they can move more easily through their interactions with others. However you are able to serve God and others, it is a blessing to others and to yourself. Today I am also thankful for all the ways each of you serve Christ and the gospel, bringing our world closer to the Beloved Community that God envisions for us. Thank you for your service!
Pastor Jack