We are back in the sanctuary! Plan to come and worship together this Sunday, October 10, at 11:00 a.m.!
Now that we are able to be back in person for worship, we are moving forward with some long-delayed activities. This coming Sunday, Oct. 10, we will ordain and install Terry McKetta to serve on Session (Terry has been actively meeting with Session for several months, but we have not yet had the chance to make everything official!). Then, on Sunday, Oct. 17, we will have a “Pie and Property” day (see notice elsewhere in this newsletter). On Saturday, October 23, at 3:00 p.m. we will celebrate the life and witness of Steve Wilkinson. On Sunday, Oct. 24, after worship, we will have a Ministry Team fair, where each of our committees/ministry teams will be present to share their plans with all of us. Finally, on Sunday, Oct. 31, we will celebrate Reformation Sunday and All Saints’ Day during worship.
As of today, we are still in Stage 4 protocols here in Austin/Travis County. The numbers indicate the county might declare Stage 3 within the next week, since we have been in the Stage 3 range for seven days already. For now, we ask you to remain masked and distanced when you are indoors at the church, regardless of your vaccination status.
Let’s take advantage of this opportunity to gather again! One thing we have been reminded of over these last 18 months: tomorrow is never promised, so embrace today as a gift from God, and live it to the fullest!
I look forward to seeing you all in worship!
Pastor Jack