Aug 12, 2021



Last month PCLT received a gift from the estate of Ada McElhenney.  Some of you may have known Ada, although many of you didn’t.  I met her only once or twice when she visited our Sunday morning worship (back before COVID).  She was not a member of PCLT; she was a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church in Austin.  But she had a fondness for her friends who worshipped at PCLT and she appreciated the way she was welcomed whenever she visited.  When she died, she left an estate bequest to PCLT in honor of Revs. Chuck and Laura Mendenhall.  In a thank you letter to her daughter, I wrote, “Laura and Chuck Mendenhall were important pastors here during a crucial time for this congregation and their impact continues to this day.  Please know that this gift will serve to continue their legacy of congregational nurture and community outreach here at the Presbyterian Church of Lake Travis.”


I give thanks to God for faithful saints like Ada McElhenney and Rev. Laura Mendenhall and Rev. Chuck Mendenhall, and all the saints who welcomed them into the PCLT family.  And I am blessed to be part of this family and to call PCLT my spiritual home!



Pastor Jack