Dear Friends,
This past Sunday in worship, we heard the prophet Isaiah say: They will rebuild the ancient ruins, they will restore formerly deserted places; they will renew ruined cities, places deserted in generations past (Isaiah 61:4, Common English Bible translation).
Isaiah was speaking to the Israelite people returning to Jerusalem from exile, and they were hopeful that they would again have a homeland, a city, a temple, a place to call their own.
Remember when our congregation wandered in the wilderness with no place to call our own? In its early years, PCLT met in a school, a movie set, a funeral home/event center, and probably several other places. Each Sunday meant setting up and tearing down everything needed for gathering together, and storing it all away until the next time it was needed. Then, at last, PCLT found our forever home, here on Hamilton Pool Road. Land was purchased and a building was built. When the congregation finally was able to move into our new home and gather and worship, it must have felt wonderful, like returning to your homeland after a time of exile!
Someday soon we will gather again on our campus, in our building, here on Hamilton Pool Road. We will worship and sing and study and pray and greet one another. That day of restoration may still be several months away, but it will come. Of that, I am certain!
Meanwhile, our outdoor campus, our building, our worship space, our study space, our office space are being maintained and ‘renewed’ in anticipation of that day of restoration. Art and Denise Brown care for our campus, both inside and out, keeping it clean and looking its best, week after week. The Bell Tower has been refreshed, with the bells and cross getting new coats of paint. Now the Cross is more visible, even from the road. A new bench for the breezeway was crafted by Bret Zieman. The portico driveway was improved with the addition of an extended stone loading area and a beautiful rock wall, constructed by Eric Brown. Steps lead into a carefully landscaped area just beyond. The grounds around the Labyrinth and above the northern rise were cleared and look almost park-like now!
When the time finally comes for us to gather again in person, we will rejoice, “like a bridegroom in a priestly crown, like a bride adorned in jewels”(Isaiah 61:10), because our campus has been maintained and renewed!
As we build the church’s budget for 2021, the Session and the Property Committee will look to YOU to support our efforts to renew and maintain our beautiful and sacred gathering space for generations to come. Please consider prayerfully your financial commitment to the PCLT Budget for 2021.
Pastor Jack