Your Session has affirmed that our church building will remain closed to in-person gatherings for the foreseeable future – at least through the month of May and perhaps into June.
We will continue to worship virtually, with worship services broadcast on our website ( and on our Facebook page. We will continue to meet for Sunday School and Women’s Bible study using the Zoom platform. We will continue to pray with and for one another from our homes.
Elsewhere in this newsletter, you will meet our new Music Coordinator, Austin Bradley, who begins his ministry with us this Sunday! I look forward to what he will bring to our congregation, and sometime soon we will welcome him in person with all the warm hospitality this congregation is known for.
Let me take this chance to thank Helen and Priscilla and Faye and Lynn for all that they have done in the past eight weeks to bring their musical talents to our virtual worship services! It has meant so much to all of us, and we look forward to their on-going contributions in the weeks ahead.
If you have not been out of the house much in the last 8 weeks, I encourage you to grab your mask and hand sanitizer, drive over to the church, and spend a few minutes walking the Labyrinth or sitting on one of the benches and enjoying the scenery. Larry Neumann has been working hard (and alone) to clear much of the scrub brush around that area, and it is looking very pleasant. NOTE – If someone else is there when you arrive, stay in your car and wait for them to leave. We want to maintain physical and social distance from each other. AND PLEASE DO NOT ENTER THE CHURCH BUILDING.
We will get through this; we will be together again soon. We are an Easter People!
Pastor Jack