Apr 15, 2020



Well, we made it through Holy Week and Easter! I hope you were able to join us for our virtual worship services by watching online at www.pclt.faith/webcast. On Maundy Thursday, we recalled Jesus’ last supper with his friends, and we shared the sacrament of communion. On Good Friday, we recalled the crucifixion and chose hope in the face of despair and grief. And then, on Easter morning, while we stayed at home, behind closed doors, we marked the morning the women went to the garden, found the stone rolled away, and the tomb empty! Our services were halting and imperfect, full of technical mistakes and fumblings as we tried to overcome the distance, and yet, our Easter Hope was real and tangible, and brought me joy!


I want to take a moment to thank everyone who helped to make those worship broadcasts happen – on screen: Lynn, Helen, Priscilla, and Kimbol; and JR, Debi, Nancy V, (and various family members of the on-screen participants!) behind the scenes.


Those three services are recorded and still available on our website, so if you did not manage to join us, or if you just want to watch them again, please go to www.pclt.faith/webcast to find our Holy Week worship services. You can also find them posted on our church’s Facebook page!


Moving forward, for the next several weeks, the intent is to have our worship broadcast in the same manner. You should be able to navigate to our website (www.pclt.faith/webcast ) and find the worship broadcast at the appointed time. You will not be able to be seen or heard by anyone else watching, but you will be able to watch along with others and participate at home in whatever way feels best to you. This upcoming Sunday, April 19, we will again celebrate the sacrament of Communion, so remember to have your bread and juice or wine available when you sit down for worship at 11:00 a.m!


Thank you for staying home, staying safe, and staying healthy! I miss you all, and I look forward to the day when we can all gather once again in our sanctuary and lift our voices together in prayer and songs of praise and thanksgiving.




Pastor Jack