These times are strange; I don’t need to tell you that! I urge you to continue your stay-at-home practices. It is saving lives – yours and the lives of those in our family, in our church, in our community!
Your Session met again yesterday and discussed several important matters related to this global pandemic and the way it is affecting our immediate community. The Session took three actions I want to share with you:
- OUR CHURCH REMAINS SHUTTERED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE! That means we will NOT be gathering in person in our sanctuary for Holy Week and Easter services. I am working with the Worship Committee and the musicians in our congregation to find ways we can still gather virtually for worship during this special time of the year for our congregation. Stay tuned for more information as that develops!
- In response to a plea from Baylor Scott and White Hospital (see article below), the Session voted to donate $10,000 to the Baylor Scott and White Central Texas Foundation for their COVID 19 readiness efforts. Such funds are to be designated for use in the Lakeway/Bee Cave area. These funds are to be taken $5,000 from the Mission budget and $5,000 from the General Operations budget.
- The Session voted to notify the congregation of the action related to Baylor Scott and White and to give members the opportunity to contribute to a special offering for this effort. Any money donated will be sent on to Baylor Scott and White, over and above the money already committed by the Session.
Friends, there is so much pain and suffering in our world right now and we all hear stories of the ways in which hospitals in New York and Washington state and other locations are struggling to increase their capacity to treat those in their community who become ill. This is one way we can respond, by helping our local hospital now as it increases its capacity to care for us in the days ahead. Please read the extended article below for detailed information about this urgent need.
We will be sending out a special newsletter update tomorrow about our congregational support of the Hudson Bend Mission project through an expansion of our Saturday Lunches program. So much has changed, that it deserves its own newsletter. Continue to pray for all of those families who have lost jobs and income, who have limited access to food now, and who have children out of school.
On Friday, I will send out another edition of “Ideas for Spiritual Health” with suggestions for staying grounded in God’s grace.
On Saturday, you will receive an email about our Sunday worship opportunities. Please look for that!
Pastor Jack