Jan 22, 2020



On Sunday, January 26, during our annual congregational meeting, we will celebrate Helen Currie Foster and the many years she has gifted this congregation with her music leadership and direction. For a congregation in its first years to have the musical talents of someone as gifted as Helen has been a true blessing. And she has encouraged and enabled so many others to offer their musical gifts as well! For all of this, and for Helen’s delightful presence among us, I give thanks to God!


Helen has decided to step away from serving as Music Director so she can spend more time traveling to see grandkids (oh, and kids too) who live in far-flung parts of the globe. Helen is not leaving our church; she is adopting a more relaxed way of participation! It is my hope that she will still grace us with her gifts and talents, both on the piano and in song, from time to time. Please plan to be part of this celebration during our congregational gathering this Sunday, and take time to offer a personal word of thanks to Helen as you can!


We will also hear some reports and conduct some business during our annual congregational meeting, as is appropriate. We will have a written report from each Session committee, summarizing what they have done in the past year. We will review the 2020 proposed budget, and we will vote on the Pastor’s terms of call (this is an annual requirement). This comprehensive annual report to the congregation will be available on the website by the end of the week (with a link in the What’s Happening email that is sent out on Friday), so that you can review it ahead of time. There will also be printed copies available on Sunday morning, so plan to arrive a few minutes early if you wish to review those documents before our Sunday morning activities get underway.


We will also have time for fellowship and, of course, food! Please plan to attend. This is an important part of being church together and I look forward to sharing this day with all of you.




Pastor Jack