Dear Friends,
It is hard to believe we are already into the first week of Advent. Christmas will be here before we turn around! And between now and then, there is so much to do – so many chances to celebrate with family and friends, so many activities to complete, so many decorations to display, so many meals to cook, so many cards to send and presents to buy! It can all get a little overwhelming.
I feel so blessed to be part of this church family – this collection of people who are striving to live each day in the reality of the presence of the God who came into our world as a human child, just like us, and the God who promises that one day all pain and warfare and injustice and sorrow will be wiped away by the glorious light of eternity.
I encourage you to take some time this season – on Sunday morning at church, or any moment of the day – to dwell in the holiness of God’s incarnation and God’s promises of a new day. It won’t make all of your problems and struggles and anxieties disappear, but it might just make the season more enjoyable. Let the light of eternity creep into your life this Advent, and celebrate God’s entrance into our lives once again.
Pastor Jack