Dear PCLT Members and Friends,
So many people gifted us with this faith community – people who saw a vision for a church like ours in this greater community on the south shore of Lake Travis, people who left established churches to begin something new and needed, people who took time away from their families and their careers to establish the Presbyterian Church of Lake Travis. As we seek to be faithful followers of Christ as part of this congregation, how can we ‘rekindle the gift’ we have been given?
This coming Sunday, November 17, is our Pledge Dedication Sunday. This is your opportunity to indicate how you will support the mission and ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Lake Travis in the next calendar year. Your financial and spiritual support is a reflection of the important and sustaining presence of this congregation in your life. As you prepare to make this commitment on Sunday, I invite you to reflect on the ways in which this church makes a difference in your life and in this community. Then, bring your Pledge Cards to church on Sunday morning (extra cards will be available at church if you need another one or forget to bring it). We will give thanks to God for all of God’s good gifts to us as we dedicate our gifts back to God for the work of this congregation here in the Lake Travis area and beyond.
Peace and Grace,
Rev. Jack Barden