Apr 18, 2017

Dear PCLT family and friends,

This is the week…

This is the week we explore the mystery of the cross and resurrection….

This is the week we Christians tell and re-tell the stories of the final days of Jesus’ life and earthly ministry…

One of the things that always impressed me while reading these stories is the poise and calm with which Jesus approached this week, knowing full well how it would end.  Given all that had transpired, he had to know that he would soon be tortured and killed, and yet spent much of his time reassuring the people around him that everything was going to be OK.

As a human, he could not be immune to fear or dread at what lay ahead for him.  But he was able to transcend those feeling and conduct himself with poise and care, focusing on his message of love and justice, tending to the needs of those around him to the very end.

I pray that all of us face the great trials of our lives with the same poise and courage, rooted in our connection to the Divine and full consciousness of our purpose in this world.

May this week renew our faith, renew our hope, and give us new life in the great joy that is Easter.

With love,