Jan 26, 2017

Dear Saints,

Greetings from our mighty, little church on Hamilton Pool Road!  We have been busy this year with prayer and retreats, visioning, starting new ministries and revamping old ones, and overhauling and updating training for church leaders.  PCLT is active and growing in new and different ways.  It is an exciting time.

Come to our Annual Meeting this Sunday to hear more about where we have been in 2016, and where we are as we look to 2017.  The Mission and Outreach Task Force has been hard at work researching and preparing opportunities for everyone in the church. We will be partnering with other organizations to build relationships and serve communities in need.  Some partners are new; some we have worked with for a while.  We hope to provide options so anyone in our church can participate in a mission or ministry to which they feel called.

Join us after worship to share a meal and hear how we can follow as Jesus’ disciples – sharing his interests, seeing people as he does, trusting God, and loving others.  The One we follow promises to lead our way.

In Christ’s love,