Dearest Saints,
Each week we are given such a gift through our little worshipping community at PCLT. When we gather together for worship, we are doing something unique and special and maybe even a little subversive (forgoing other “normal” Sunday activities like brunch and sports and sleeping in :).
Every Sunday, we come together as the body of Christ – one body comprised of many unique and wonderful parts (1 Cor. 12:20). In worship, each and every person brings diverse gifts to share; gifts that are needed for our community to be nourished and grow together.
We need seasoned members in worship. People who know that our faith can come and go, and God is faithful still. People on whom, when our faith wanes, we can lean on and rely on to carry us through.
We need children in worship. Children bring special gifts to us – gifts of exuberance and curiosity. Jesus said, “Unless you become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 18:3). Children show us how to worship freely with new wonder and amazement.
We need youth in worship. Youth bring a new, different perspective. They challenge us with hard, good questions about the relevance of our faith.
We need people from other church communities in worship. They offer us a bigger, deeper, wider picture of our faith. They help us to imagine new ways to express our love for God and each other.
We need people who are new in their faith in worship. They remind us of the awe and wonder that over time we might lose sight of. They renew us.
We need people of other faiths in worship. Different voices of faith teach us different ways to speak about who God is and how God works in our lives. Our faith is deepened through them.
We need introverts in worship who discern quietly and thoughtfully with much intention. We need extroverts in worship who freely and openly reach out to all who walk through our doors.
Friends, in Christ, we who are many, are one body, and each member belongs to one another (Rom. 12:5). We belong to one another and are to be kind, generous, loving stewards of each other. All we are and all we have is a gift from God. And so with a spirit of thankfulness for everyone at PCLT, let us worship God together! See you Sunday!
With much love,