Sep 29, 2016

Dearest Saints,

It was good to be with everyone last Sunday – both in our overflowing Sunday school class and in our energetic worship service.  I am already looking forward to this Sunday, World Communion Sunday, when we will join together around the table with churches all over the world.

But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, I invite you to pause and reflect with me in this moment midweek…

What has happened so far this week?

Who have you seen, what did you talk about?

Where have you seen glimpses of God in these small things?

Or have you?

Rest assured, whether we realize it or not, God is with us, at work with us and through us, inspiring words and conversation.

And so let us all take a moment to pause… at this midweek moment.

Inviting God into every moment, meeting, conversation, transaction, into everything!

Let us pause… breath… breath… pause… and rest in the One who loves us more than we know.


With you in Christ’s embrace,
