Sep 7, 2016

Greetings Good Folks of Presbyterian Church of Lake Travis!

I would like to introduce myself as your incoming Pastor Intern. I am a student at the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, and a member of St. James’ Episcopal Church in Austin. I met Rev. Walters in my ‘Introduction to Preaching’ class at APTS, where we began the conversation of me joining you here.  I will be participating in the life of your congregation for two full semesters. This coming Sunday, Rally Sunday, will be my first as your Intern.

I’m familiar with your building and some of your members from my recent visit, and am very much looking forward to growing and learning in your community. I will be participating in worship, Christian Education, pastoral care, and Session and Committee meetings. I understand you are building your mission and am especially excited to see where this journey leads. I feel like I have a lot to learn from you and from this experience; I also hope I have some useful things to offer your community.

On a personal note, I live with my wife, Sabina Daly, and our two kids – Evie (12) and Jayden (10) in Central Austin. I moved here from Arkansas in 1984 and found my home. I’ve been a bakery worker, a nanny, and a full-time volunteer at a children’s home. Now I am following my call into the ministry at APTS and (hopefully) discernment for the priesthood in the Episcopal Church.

My experience of God manifests itself in many ways, but none more important or enriching than within community. This is true for me on a deeply personal level. Most importantly, however, the community of the Church and of the world is where I see God’s in-breaking Kingdom. I am prayerfully and expectantly awaiting the opportunity to experience God in your presence.
In gratitude for all God’s blessings,